Orbs, Mist, and Apparitions
As an investigator, many ask about orbs, mist, and apparitions and wonder what they are in relation to spirit activity. The standard answer refers to a spirit being some form of energy explained by physics. But a few ask the next question. What does that mean and is there a relationship between orbs and mist, etc.
It is common to find orbs when mist is present. However, I have a theory that only time will either prove or disprove. I've taken tons of orb pictures, most usually are dust or moisture in the air. Then there's the very dense or bright orbs. I've found a possible transition orb from orb to mist at various highly active locations. I wonder if the orb as the simplest form of nature is the basic shape of all spirits. When they have enough energy they become denser and or brighter. Could they then evolve into mist? Since it is not uncommon to see figures in shadows or mist, could the next level be an apparition? I wonder if the evolution of an apparition is orb, into mist/ecotplasm, into an apparition? What do you think as an investigator and/or a sensitive?
Ann, website administrator
As an investigator, many ask about orbs, mist, and apparitions and wonder what they are in relation to spirit activity. The standard answer refers to a spirit being some form of energy explained by physics. But a few ask the next question. What does that mean and is there a relationship between orbs and mist, etc.
It is common to find orbs when mist is present. However, I have a theory that only time will either prove or disprove. I've taken tons of orb pictures, most usually are dust or moisture in the air. Then there's the very dense or bright orbs. I've found a possible transition orb from orb to mist at various highly active locations. I wonder if the orb as the simplest form of nature is the basic shape of all spirits. When they have enough energy they become denser and or brighter. Could they then evolve into mist? Since it is not uncommon to see figures in shadows or mist, could the next level be an apparition? I wonder if the evolution of an apparition is orb, into mist/ecotplasm, into an apparition? What do you think as an investigator and/or a sensitive?
Ann, website administrator
I believe that mist are higher level beings that are close to our vibrational frequency. They can also be energy that has been dispersed from entities as well, much like a bi-product of its presence, rather than the entity itself. Also orbs may not always be "dead" beings. I have read many books where people that are projecting take the forms of orbs when they are traveling the etheral plane. These are visible to the human eye, so they can be someone just exploring out of body. This can also bring up the actualization of intent. If people are being bothered by orbs, and they are not a deceased, or non-human entity, than they are a human that is acting upon his or her own will to bother this person, and the answer to stopping the "haunt" would be to find out who it is and confront them in either the physical or etheral plane.
I do believe that other beings can be orbs, so an apparition can so choose to travel in that manner and convert its appearance at will. I have seen many mist that are just higfhly active energy feilds. They look like rain in the air, kind of needle like in a slight pattern, similar to water in a downfall. Usually, when you see beings on a higher, but close, frequency, they apear in a somewhat humanoid, or similar shape with a slightly obscured view that is reminiscent of a dense energy feild. Also some people can generate these from their persons and not even know it. I am not sure if it is chi energy, or auras, but it is something similar, or even a combination of them.
Orbs do not impress me. They never will. They have been proven to be just different size balls of energy. They do not represent the presence of a spirit. You can find Orbs anywhere. 99% of the time when people think they see an "Orb" it's nothing more than dust or an insect that flew in front of the camera. I know I sound really negative and have probably pissed a lot of people off. However, I have been studying and dealing with the paranormal for 17 years. If you want to prove a haunting then you need real, solid evidence. If you go to the scientific communtiy with a picture of an "Orb" to try and prove a haunting you will be laughed out of this field. You need hard evidence. For example, levitations, things moving on their own, full body apparitions (which are considered the holy grail of the paranormal), clear and concise EVPS, etc. A mist in a picture will never impress a real scientist either. The first thing they will say is that it's fog, someones breath passing in front of the camera, cigarette smoke, you name it. You have to be able to prove to the people beyond the shadow of a doubt that you have captured paranormal activity because they weren't there with you. Let's face it, with technology today pictures can be "doctored", "altered", you name it. Pictures of orbs and mists will just never, ever impress me.
I must agree that many of the pictures I have seen or taken have looked to me like dust and insects. However what about orbs that appear in vabriant colors such as red, greens and blue.
Could it be that whatever state that spirit left from their human life has followed them in the spirit world after their death? I met a woman who claims that she has over 50 spirits that are in her house. I have seen recent pictures of her place though nothing threatening there were some beautiful orbs. So much detail in the center of each orb. YOu can see real faces and activity in each orb.
Would anyone know if the colors mean anything?
I also am not impressed with orbs. Yet, I try not to dismiss everything. I have always dismissed orbs as dust or lint close to the lens, until I saw something fascinating on the St. Augustine lighthouse episode of TAPS. At the end when they were reviewing the video, at the top of the lighthouse a large orb appeared before the materialization of a shadow that looked over the railing. I had it recoreded so I went back to look at it again. If you get a chance to see this episode, watch it again. You will see the orb for a split second and then the shadow appears. Still, that is the only time where I saw an orb that was convincing.
What about the orbs, mists, & forms that I see in my office building? There are no cameras but many of us have experienced these things.
I have a couple pictures taken at Camp Goddard in Oklahoma back in November07 when my daughter was there with her school group. I took some indoor photos one of the "ecosystem" room- it has taxidermied animals there to show what the ecosystem and wildlife around that area are like. The other is of the indian room where they have a teepe and other various things the indians used. In the ecosystem room the picture I took looks like a bunch of silly string was sprayed all over my camera but it is a bright white "light" the indian photo has what could be an orb in the photo that was taken inside the teepe. I have no reason to believe that my camera was faulty but that could have been the case. Any way to tell if the pics are real or if it was a camera/film malfunction?
I love the variety of comments pertaining to this subject. Everyone will have a different personal belief and they are entitled to it. I thank those that don't believe in orbs at all for being so respectful of others who may.
I personally don't believe any one thing can be all or nothing. I do believe "orbs" without other concurring events are far over called as "orbs" when they are really lens refraction. For those that believe in them. Try the 'dust experiment'. Set up your camera over your bed and take a few pictures before entering the room or touching a thing. Then hit your bed a few times and repeat the pictures. Those of you with animals are in for a shocker.
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